Starting High School One Hour Later May Reduce Teen Traffic Accidents:
This study was made in a county in Kansas in which the start times of School were shifted from earlier to later in order to see if this affected the time of hours of sleep of the students, and the amount of car crashes of teens. The study revealed that students that the percentage of students that recieved at least eight hours of sleep per weeknight, increased from 35.7 percent to 50 percent. As well the amount of students that got nine hours of sleep increased from 6.3 percent to 10.8 percent. The amount of car crashes of teen drivers recorded decreased about 16 percent compared to the last two years. All this is due to the amount of catch-up sleep that people owed, had decrased from 1.9 hours to 1.1 hours and that meaning that the amount of sleep they got affected directly on their preformance in the different tasks.
The second experiment was completley the opposite. The school starting hours where forwarded to one hour. The most radical factor in this study was the percentage of teen car crashes. From the low average of car crashes it grew astonishingly.

As a result, the scientists concluded that both social and biological factors make teens have shifts on the hours of sleep they have. Meaning that the lack or abundance of sleep caused the ups and downs of the car crash rates and amount of sleep.
For me, this kind of experiments show how people actually like to waste time instead of sleeping which means that these people are responsable about this car crashes. It is not as much as revealing to see this statistics because it can be expected to have more car crash rates with more sleepy citizens.
Article 2- Science Daily:
Being A Night Owl In High School Is Linked With Lower College GPA
Directed by the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, the experiment preformed on normal high schools reported important facts. They wanted to prove if sleep could have influence in academic aspects on a person. The experiment tested different people´s GPA scores. These people were the evening-type students, the morning-type and the intermmediate-type. The scientists gathered data of their GPA´s from when they were on high school and then from when they went to college.

The results were worse than the scientists have thought. The evening-type got a lower GPA (2.84) at the firts year than their peers, the intermmediate and morning-type (3.18). This means that the evening-type got a drop of .98, which is quite shocking. All this is due, according to the scientists, to the loss of sleep hygiene in the transition between Highschool to college. Sleep Hygiene being the quality and the quantity of sleep that you get.
This study, for me, shows how much people can loose because of lack of sleep. These students can be highly affected on the amount of sleep they get. This is, yet, another reason of why sleeping is not important, but crucial to our organism.
Article 3- Science Daily:
Performing Under Sleep Deprivation: Its In Your Genes
Sleep deprivation is not good at all, especially during weekdays clotted up with work, but how come some people can work comfortably with lack of sleep? Well early researches have discovered that your genes carry the sensitivity of lack of sleep in your body. The gene PERIOD3 can hav a short or long variant, this can make you have tendencies of an "owl" or a "lark". The people possesing the short variant have more capacity of learning with a bad night of sleep. The other with the long variant demonstrate worse learning capability compared to the ones with the short variant.

To counter the inequality of the variants, the genes have another role. The same people tested before were tested again, but this time on sleep efficiency. The people with the longer variance seem to have more Long-Wave sleep, or Rapid Eye Movement sleep (REM), which is the most important to develop properly. In change, the others with the short variance presented a little amount of REM sleep.
I interpret this data as a way to see how sleep can get to the bases of organisms, down to the Deoxyribonucleic acid of someone and practically to control people.
The second experiment was completley the opposite. The school starting hours where forwarded to one hour. The most radical factor in this study was the percentage of teen car crashes. From the low average of car crashes it grew astonishingly.

As a result, the scientists concluded that both social and biological factors make teens have shifts on the hours of sleep they have. Meaning that the lack or abundance of sleep caused the ups and downs of the car crash rates and amount of sleep.
For me, this kind of experiments show how people actually like to waste time instead of sleeping which means that these people are responsable about this car crashes. It is not as much as revealing to see this statistics because it can be expected to have more car crash rates with more sleepy citizens.
Article 2- Science Daily:
Being A Night Owl In High School Is Linked With Lower College GPA
Directed by the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, the experiment preformed on normal high schools reported important facts. They wanted to prove if sleep could have influence in academic aspects on a person. The experiment tested different people´s GPA scores. These people were the evening-type students, the morning-type and the intermmediate-type. The scientists gathered data of their GPA´s from when they were on high school and then from when they went to college.

The results were worse than the scientists have thought. The evening-type got a lower GPA (2.84) at the firts year than their peers, the intermmediate and morning-type (3.18). This means that the evening-type got a drop of .98, which is quite shocking. All this is due, according to the scientists, to the loss of sleep hygiene in the transition between Highschool to college. Sleep Hygiene being the quality and the quantity of sleep that you get.
This study, for me, shows how much people can loose because of lack of sleep. These students can be highly affected on the amount of sleep they get. This is, yet, another reason of why sleeping is not important, but crucial to our organism.
Article 3- Science Daily:
Performing Under Sleep Deprivation: Its In Your Genes
Sleep deprivation is not good at all, especially during weekdays clotted up with work, but how come some people can work comfortably with lack of sleep? Well early researches have discovered that your genes carry the sensitivity of lack of sleep in your body. The gene PERIOD3 can hav a short or long variant, this can make you have tendencies of an "owl" or a "lark". The people possesing the short variant have more capacity of learning with a bad night of sleep. The other with the long variant demonstrate worse learning capability compared to the ones with the short variant.

To counter the inequality of the variants, the genes have another role. The same people tested before were tested again, but this time on sleep efficiency. The people with the longer variance seem to have more Long-Wave sleep, or Rapid Eye Movement sleep (REM), which is the most important to develop properly. In change, the others with the short variance presented a little amount of REM sleep.
I interpret this data as a way to see how sleep can get to the bases of organisms, down to the Deoxyribonucleic acid of someone and practically to control people.